Returns Policy

Our Returns Policy

  • You have 14 days to notify us of your return, followed by an additional 14 days to return unused products in their original packaging for a full refund.
  • Returns should be sent using the returns form provided, as we cannot accept returns in any other way.
  • Please retain the original packaging until you're certain you're happy with your product, as returns are much easier if the boxes and bags are still intact.
  • If the product(s) are not returned in their original condition with all packaging, we reserve the right to charge for any necessary repairs or replacement of the product(s) or packaging.
  • We cannot accept returns on products that have been specially adapted to suit your requirements, or on items that could affect Health & Safety regulations if used, such as incontinence, bathroom, or toilet products. Refunds will only be issued if the product(s) are faulty, damaged, or incorrect. For incontinent products, a refund is only possible if the outer packaging has not been opened.
  • Our returns policy in the event of the death of a family member can be found here.

How to Return

All the necessary paperwork for your return will be included with your product. If any documentation is missing, please fill out the Contact Us form to notify us, and we will be happy to assist you. Returns are to be made by post, arranged by you.


Our simple 3 steps process

#1 Contact us

Complete our contact us form online or email us to let us know that you’d like to return your item(s). We'll email you a returns acknowledgement.

Contact Us Form


Attach the delivery label

Complete the returns label provided with the item(s) and ensure you follow the steps correctly. 

Send your parcel

Once we’ve received your goods, your return will be processed within 14 days.

Please note: We ask that you retain photographic evidence of your product and its condition before returning it. This will prevent any delays with your return being processed if your item(s) incur damage during transit.